Disinfection – tube flushing

Code: V201062N00T00000

This procedure is actuated by the user once the water is drained out of the bath. After disinfection system actuation the pump of disinfection is activated. After five seconds solenoid control valve is automatically opened up, disinfection substance and water are blended in a mixer and flow further into hydromassage distributing tubes. All the tubing is being flushed at this stage. Once this procedure is completed the system comes to a stop and let the disinfection substance to react within 60 seconds. Subsequently the solenoid control valve is opened up and the tubing begins to be flushed with water for 40 seconds. The systems furnished with air-massage come to a pause for 60 seconds so the water can get drained out of it. There it comes the blower is activated automatically to let the air-massage tubing distributions dry out. The disinfection system may be actuated as well as right before the massage is activated. The whole procedure lasts about 250 seconds and spends 30 litres of water.

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