PACIFIC Electronic

Code: V271100N00T04071
Width: 236.0
Height: 105.0
Depth: 105.0
Volume: 62.0

You may hardly find out a better way to regenerate your body which might even match staying inside PACIFIC ELECTRONIC cabin. Massage, water, relax throughout the whole year and whenever... PACIFIC has become an exceptional place originated for active and ease-type people. It is up to you whether you opt for either a heavy and efficient massage taken after sport or a physically demanding activity or you give a way to just relaxing and psychical regeneration by means of steam bathing or less intensive hydromassage program.

PACIFIC ELECTRONIC cabin is controlled by three electronic controls with lever and thermostatic mixer. It is furnished with a built-in recuperating unit abounding in a minimum of 62 litres of water consumption. Inside PACIFIC ELECTRONIC cabin you have availability of steam bathing or massage consisting of 8 back and 2 neck massage jets. Furthermore the cabin is furnished with a ceiling spotlight and a waterfall. PACIFIC cabins feature a built-in recuperating unit abounding in a minimum of 62 litres of water consumption.

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